Click the below required service to jump to that section:
- Tax Depreciation Schedules
- Replacement Cost (Insurance Valuations) Reports
- Initial Financier (Bank) Reports
- Cost to Complete (Progress) Reports
- Cost Plans
- Construction Estimates
Request a ‘sample BWK Report’. Enter your email and select the desired report below to have it emailed to you:
Benefits: property investors of income-producing properties enabling substantial lifetime tax-write offs and provides significantly improved yearly income tax returns
BWK Group Tax Depreciation reports write off hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes for property investors and makes it possible for our clients to receive or greatly improve their tax returns- every year.
Our clients have reported handsome yearly tax returns e.g. $10,000 for every year in our reports, 40-years).
We also educate and work with clients’ accountants, owners corporations/body corporates to identify building plant & equipment claims for our mutual clients.
Enable lifetime of tax write-offs to minimise the tax liability (for property investors and bricks and mortar business owners, own-income producing property) and improve yearly income tax returns and cash flow.
Find out more about BWK Group’s Tax Depreciation here.
Refer to BWK Group’s Tax Depreciation FAQ here.
Benefits: property owners wanting to have their properties adequately insured and reduce yearly insurance premiums at the same time
Can you afford not to have your property insured? Secondly, how do you know if the property is in fact ‘adequately insured’?
Overinsured (‘sum insured’) results in the said property owner paying too high a premium (year-on-year). Too low (insured sum) results in insufficient monies available to reinstate/rebuild the premises in the case of loss and destruction – the worse situation!
BWK Group Replacement Cost Reports not only ‘saves money’ but could potentially ‘save considerable COSTS’ (in the MILLIONS!).
Reduce the unknown and provide ‘peace-of-mind, ‘insured sum’ amounts (in the unfortunate event of ‘total property loss’) and in most cases, save money on yearly insurance premiums.
Find out more about BWK Group’s Replacement Cost Reports here.
Benefits: Owner Builders and Property Developers to improve financier’s lending arrangement/potential so your project can commence and progress to completion
For Owner/Builders wishing to undertake their own developments, allow us to provide an independent estimate to assist your chances of funding from Financiers.
Such a document is usually required by Financiers for risk minimisation before Owner/Builder projects become a reality and feasible.
Improve the chance of property development financier funding, Builder/Developer’s cash flow and reduce the financial risk of the building & construction project to Financiers.
Find out more about BWK Group’s QS Reports here.
Benefits: Owner Builders and Property Developers as well as the entire project delivery team with the continued funding and cashflow of the construction project through to completion
Independent cost to complete/progress report assessment of works to verify the fair and reasonable progress (and release of funds) of completed building/construction works.
Benefits: Owner Builders wanting to budget for their next property development
If you are an Owner/Builder, before you get too involved with Council, small detail design, get an independent report to see if your project is likely to even start based on your budget.
Property development is a long process, start that project right.
Receive independent advice before any project time or cost commitment to check your budget at the feasibility stage.
Benefits: Builders wanting to outsource their project estimation; saving time, money and win more projects
Builders/Developers, allow us to free up your time and estimate your jobs for tendering (or budgeting purposes) so you can focus on other critical income-producing activities.
Free up time and as well as receive an independent assessment of the feasibility and order of costs on your next construction project.