Replacement Cost Report Booking

RFI: RCR Booking/No Inspection_S_Replacement Cost Report (#41)


This form guides and automatically saves as you progress (if need be, you will be able to resume on the same device and browser). However, it is always best to complete in one sitting.

To progress through the form, enter the required details on the screen and click the grey ‘Next’ button (bottom right).

Upon successful submission (via blue button, last step), you will receive an email response including all your inputs for review (and amend, if need be).

Note: any technical issues, please report via the red tab (left of screen). Thanks again.

Questions in the online form include:

  • Client/Instructing Officer Details 
  • Purchase/Contract sum price and or Professional Fees (incl. GST)
  • ‘Original Construction Date/Certificate of Occupancy’ 
  • File upload opportunity (e.g. construction drawings/floor plan etc.)
  • Capital Improvements’ (if available; costs, completion dates and descriptions)
  • Current insured sum
  • File upload opportunity (existing Insurance Policy)
  • Lot/s Number and Plan Number
  • File upload opportunity (existing Replacement Cost Report)
  • Reporting details (e.g. if the report is to be made out to an Owners Corporation/Body Corporation)


*We request the above in order to make sure you get the best and most accurate results that we can achieve.

*This Replacement Cost Report does not include ‘Contents’. 





If you are not aware of the full history of the property, please call your local Council’s ‘Building and Planning’ department to obtain the following information. E.g. any works requiring a permit will be registered (and claimable in most cases).