Are Depreciation Reports Mandatory?

When it comes to property investment in Australia, there’s one question that often arises among both seasoned and novice investors alike: Are depreciation reports mandatory? While the answer isn’t a simple “yes” or “no,” understanding the importance of depreciation reports and their role in maximising your investment’s return is crucial.

What is a Depreciation Report?

A depreciation report, also known as a tax depreciation schedule, is a document that outlines the decline in value of a property’s assets over time. This report is prepared by a qualified Quantity Surveyor and is used by property investors to claim tax deductions on the depreciating value of their investment property.

Are Depreciation Reports Legally Required?

In Australia, a depreciation report is not legally mandatory. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) does not require you to have one. However, this does not mean that you should overlook it. The real question is not whether you need a depreciation report, but rather, can you afford to miss out on the tax benefits that it offers?

Why You Should Consider Getting a Depreciation Report

Even though it’s not mandatory, having a depreciation report can significantly enhance your investment strategy. Here’s why:

  1. Maximise Tax Deductions: A detailed depreciation report allows you to claim maximum deductions on your investment property, reducing your taxable income and, in turn, the amount of tax you pay. Over the lifetime of a property, this can add up to tens of thousands of dollars in savings.
  2. Accurate Financial Planning: With a depreciation report, you have a clear picture of your property’s declining value, helping you to forecast future expenses and cash flow more accurately. This is essential for long-term financial planning.
  3. Compliance with ATO Guidelines: While not mandatory, a depreciation report ensures that you are compliant with ATO guidelines when claiming deductions. The ATO requires that any claims made on depreciation are supported by a report prepared by a qualified Quantity Surveyor.
  4. Increased Property Value: Investors often find that the tax savings gained from depreciation can be reinvested into their property, enhancing its value and attracting higher rental yields or resale prices.

When Should You Get a Depreciation Report?

It’s advisable to get a depreciation report as soon as you purchase an investment property. The sooner you have one, the sooner you can start claiming deductions. However, if you already own an investment property and haven’t yet obtained a report, it’s not too late. You can still claim deductions retrospectively for up to two financial years.

Conclusion: Is It Worth It?

While depreciation reports are not mandatory, they are undeniably a valuable tool in an investor’s toolkit. Skipping a depreciation report could mean leaving money on the table—money that could otherwise be working for you. The cost of having a depreciation report prepared is often quickly offset by the tax savings it generates, making it a wise investment.

So, while the ATO may not require it, if you’re serious about maximising the returns on your investment property, a depreciation report is something you should strongly consider.

Happy investing!

Mathew Kulkewycz
BWK Group
Senior Quantity Surveyor