Initial Financier’s Report Booking RFI: IFR Booking/No Inspection_Initial Financier’s Report (#45) INSTRUCTIONS: Please provide the below requested information. As far as providing documentation, it is always best just to provide a direct shareable cloud folder link/URL (e.g. Dropbox, where nominated in the form), that includes the items as listed on this form (use that as a checklist) Upon successful submission (via blue button, last step), you will receive an email response including all your inputs for review (and amendment, if need be).Note: any technical issues, please report via the red tab (left of screen). Thanks again.CLIENT: First NameLast NameEmailPhone/MobileWhat best describes your role on this project?– Select –Owner/BuilderBuilderClient representativeDeveloperInvestorProperty ManagerOtherDEVELOPMENT/PROJECT DETAILS:Project Type– Select –Owner/BuilderNew BuildRenovationProperty Type?– Select –ResidentialStrata – Residential (part of Body Corp/Owners’ Corp e.g. apartment)Commercial / Industrial / OtherStrata – Commercial / Industrial / OtherProperty Development addressAddressSuburb / CityState / Territory– Select –VICNSWACTQLDSATASNTWAPostcodeBuilder’s registration no#Referring to the below required documentation, it is best to provide a cloud folder via shareable link e.g. Dropbox etc. (failing that, upload individually where requested below)Building Contract Choose File Builders Contract Sum Breakdown (if available)Choose File Current set of Construction Drawings and SpecificationsChoose File Construction Programme / TimingChoose File Title and Plan of Subdivision (if available)Choose File Approvals: Planning Permit and Building Permit / Construction CertificateChoose File Builder’s InsuranceChoose File REPORTING:Name to be used on the Report (e.g name, company/SMSF name)MISCELLANEOUS:How did you hear about us?– Select –Accountant/Tax AgentReviews (e.g. Google reviews)Online Search Engine (e.g. Google)ReferralExisting CustomerReal Estate Agent/Property ManagerSocial MediaOtherName (referrer) Email (referrer)Any other comments to add? Note: After clicking on the Submit button, please wait for the confirmation page to load. An email will also be sent confirming submission (for you to review and also amend, if need be).Submit/Book